Profile Picture

Hi! My name is Ari Thornton.

I am a software engineering student based out of Cincinnati, OH. I am currently working to strengthen my skills in:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
The bean in Chicago, IL

About Me:

I am excited to be in a job field that has a lot of opportunities to continue to learn more. I am currently in a Coding Bootcamp for Software Engineering with Thinkful by Chegg. I also have a background in Graphic Design. While finishing the last two years of high school I also attended Buckeye Career Center for Graphic Design where I was taught the basics of design. One of the things I am looking forward to the most is to be able to work with other people on projects that were made to help people. Some services I would like to provide for future clients are:

  • Build accessible, functional, and creative web pages and applications using:
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • React
    • 3rd Party API Integration
  • Design secure application program interfaces.
  • Simplify and resolve common computer science problems.
  • Manage web development projects using Agile methodology.

I also enjoy taking pictures with my IPhone 12 Pro Max and Nikon D3300, listening to music, watching movies, spending time with my fiancée and friends/family, and traveling to new places. The pictures above and to the left of this section are some of my favorite photos that I have taken.

Cloudy Sunrise


Local Library - Ari Thornton

Local Library

This is a Local Library website I built which would be used for if your neighborhood had decided to put together a local library where people can lend and borrow books from each other. I used CSS and multiple Javascript and HTML files. While working on this project, I learned how to combine multiple Javascript and HTML files together to create this website. Click here to see the code for this project on GitHub. Click here to see the functioning website.

Decoder Ring - Ari Thornton

Decoder Ring

This is a Decoder Ring website I built which is made up of 3 ciphers used to encode and decode words or phrases. The first one is a Caesar Shift. The second is a Polybius Square. The third is a Substitution Cipher. I also used CSS and multiple Javascript and HTML files for this project as well. For this specific project, I learned to write a series of unit tests using Mocha and Chai to make sure the code for ciphers work. Click here to see the code for this project on GitHub. Click here to see the functioning website.

Contact Me:

Please feel free to reach out to me!